Class: ScreenErrorCorrection

dto~ ScreenErrorCorrection

This class stores the error correction map for this device.

new ScreenErrorCorrection()

Constructor, creates a new instance of this type.


boundX1 :number

The boundX1 of the screen error correction.

boundX2 :number

The boundX2 of the screen error correction.

boundY1 :number

The boundY1 of the screen error correction.

boundY2 :number

The boundY2 of the screen error correction.

correctionMap :Array.<Array.<number>>

This houses the error correction map stored within the device. There are two indexes in this array that contain arrays of x and y coordinates respectively.

valid :boolean

Determines whether or not the error correction table built into the device is valid. If the table isn't valid the device will not start properly.

xDelta :number

The xDelta of the screen error correction.

xMin :number

The xMin of the screen error correction.

xOffset :number

The xOffset of the screen error correction.

yDelta :number

The yDelta of the screen error correction.

yMin :number

The yMin of the screen error correction.

yOffset :number

The yOffset of the screen error correction.