new Region()
Constructor, creates a new instance of this type.
- Tutorials:
backgroundColor :Array.<number>
The background color of this region stored as a four length number array. Stored as: red (0-255), green (0-255), blue (0-255) and alpha (0-255).
buttonType :module:dto~RegionButton
Button specific information about this region. If this region is not a button this will be undefined.
containerType :module:dto~RegionContainer
Container specific information about this region. If this region is not a container this will be undefined.
flags :module:dto~RegionFlags
An object containing flags associated with this region.
foregroundColor :Array.<number>
The foreground color of this region stored as a four length number array. Stored as: red (0-255), green (0-255), blue (0-255) and alpha (0-255).
id :number
Region number as stored in the device.
lineType :module:dto~RegionLine
Line specific information about this region. If this region is not a line this will be undefined.
x1 :number
The left-most coordinate of this region.
x2 :number
The right-most coordinate of this region.
y1 :number
The top-most coordinate of this region.
y2 :number
The bottom-most coordinate of this region.