Class: CardSwipe

dto~ CardSwipe

This type represents a physical card swipe on a digitizer.

new CardSwipe()

Constructor, creates a new instance of this type.


format :string

The detected format of this card swipe. Currently either: financial, personalid or unknown.

trackOne :Array.<number>

The data contained in track one if it was successfully read.

trackOneError :string

Lists the error that occurred while reading track one (if one occurred). The value will either be false (if no error occurred) or one of the following: "Parity Error(s)", "Unknown Format", "Corrupt Track" or "Unknown Error".

trackThree :Array.<number>

The data contained in track three if it was successfully read.

trackThreeError :string

Lists the error that occurred while reading track three (if one occurred). The value will either be false (if no error occurred) or one of the following: "Parity Error(s)", "Unknown Format", "Corrupt Track" or "Unknown Error".

trackTwo :Array.<number>

The data contained in track two if it was successfully read.

trackTwoError :string

Lists the error that occurred while reading track two (if one occurred). The value will either be false (if no error occurred) or one of the following: "Parity Error(s)", "Unknown Format", "Corrupt Track" or "Unknown Error".