All Classes
All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Class Description AbstractInputListener This class implements InputListener and provides default stubbed implementations of all of the required methods.ADCChannelValues This class reports ADC channel values from a ScripTouch device.ADCScanValues This class represents an ADC scan value sample from a ScripTouch device.AdjustedCoordinate This class represents a coordinate that has been adjusted for range and aspect.ButtonDown This class represents a button down event from a ScripTouch device.ButtonEvent This class represents an abstract button event.ButtonMove This class represents a button up event coming from a ScripTouch device.ButtonPress This class represents a button press event coming from a ScripTouch device.ButtonUp This class represents a button up event coming from a ScripTouch device.CalibrationData This class represents output parameters of a ScripTouch device.CalibrationState This class represents the current calibration state of the device.Capabilities This class represents the capabilities of a device.CardParser This class is a static helper class used to help parse Magnetic Swipe cards.CardSwipeInvalidException This exception is thrown when there is a problem parsing a card swipe string.Configuration This class represents the device configuration on a ScripTouch mouse device.Coordinate This class represents a basic coordinate coming from a ScripTouch device.CoordinateRange This class represents the logical coordinate range of a ScripTouch device.DebugCoordinate This class represents a coordinate coming from a debug build of firmware for a ScripTouch device.Device This class represents a physical ScripTouch device.DeviceManager This class manages ScripTouch devices.DeviceNotificationListener This interface is used to describe a class that is capable of receiving hot plug notifications from DeviceManager.DeviceProductRestriction This class is used to check if a device has the proper product id for the target firmware.DeviceStatus This class represents output parameters of a ScripTouch device.Display This class contains static information regarding the display of a ScripTouch device.DisplayChunk This class represents an image raster that can be transferred to the display on a ScripTouch device.DisplaySettings This class represents dynamic display options that can be changed.ErrorCorrectionSample This class represents a sample in an error correction table.ErrorCorrectionTable This class represents the internal error correction table used by a ScripTouch device to correct for natural deformities in the sensor surface.ExtendedCoordinate This class represents an extended coordinate coming from a ScripTouch device.FinancialCard This class represents the parsed magnetic stripe data from a financial (credit) card.FinancialCardIssuer This class attempts to identify credit card issuers based on patterns in the numbers each vendor issues.FinancialCardTrackOne This class represents track one of a financial card.FinancialCardTrackTwo This class represents the second track of a financial card.FirmwareListener This interface is used to receive firmware update percentage notifications.FirmwarePackage This interface is used to define a type of class that can be used for reading firmware files for the ScripTouch series of devices.FirmwarePage This class represents a page of firmware that can be written to the device.FirmwareRestriction This interface is used to define an abstract firmware download restriction.FrequencyAmplitude This class represents frequency and amplitude settings for a ScripTouch device.FWFirmwareDevice This class represents a device that the firmware is allowed to be placed on.FWFirmwarePackage This class represents a firmware package in the newer firmware format.FWFirmwarePackageFormat This class represents a complete firmware package.GeneralParameters This class represents general operating parameters for a ScripTouch device.IdentificationCard This class represents an identification card such as a United States drivers license.IdentificationCardTrackOne This class represents track one of the magnetic strip of an identification card, such as a United States drivers license.IdentificationCardTrackThree This class represents track three of a magnetic strip identification card such as a United States driver's license.IdentificationCardTrackTwo This class represents track two of a magnetic strip identification card such as a United States driver's license.IdentificationSex This class represents the gender of a card-holder on an identification card.InputListener This interface describes a class capable of receiving input events from a ScripTouch device.MagneticCardSwipe This class represents a swipe of a magnetic swipe card on an equipped ScripTouch device.NativeLoader This class is responsible for locating, extracting and loading the native components of this library.OperatingModes The class represents compatible operating modes of a ScripTouch device.OutputConfiguration This class represents output parameters of a ScripTouch device.PenParameters This class represents pen parameters of a ScripTouch device.PeripheralConfiguration This class represents peripheral parameters of a ScripTouch device.RawInputListener This interface can be used to receive raw input reports from ProScript instead of the pre-parsed ones.Region This class represents a region.RegionButton This class represents a button region.RegionContainer This class represents a container region in a ScripTouch device.RegionGraphic This class represents a graphic region stored in the device.RegionLine This class represents a line region in a ScripTouch device.RegionNull This class represents a null region in a ScripTouch device.RegionText This class represents a Static Text RegionResource This class represents resources that the signature pad can store.ResourceAvailability This class contains static information regarding the resource availability of a ScripTouch device.ResourceGraphic This class represents a graphic resource that is storable on the device.ResourceInfo This class represents information about a resource stored in the device.ResourceInvalid This class represents an invalid resource stored in the device.ResourceText This class represents a static text resource stored in a device.Screen This class represents a screen stored in the device.ScreenModify This class is used to perform modifications to screens without the overhead of entirely reconfiguring screens.ScreenRegionInfo This class represents information about a region saved in the device.ScriptelException This exception is thrown when an exception occurs as a result of talking with a ScripTouch device.SRECFirmwarePackage This class can be used to read Motorola SRecord files produced by most of the Renesas tools.SRECParseException This exception represents some problem reading an SREC file.SRECRecord This represents a single line in the SREC file which represents part of the overall program structure.Test Crash and burn test application used for testing various functionality.TouchParameters This class represents touch parameters in a ScripTouch device.TuningStatus This class represents the tuning status of a GENII asicless deviceVersion This class represents the firmware version of a ScripTouch device.