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EasyScript Class

This is a utility class that can be used to interact with Scriptel ScripTouch EasyScript products. It is capable of parsing and rendering keyboard strings generated when the digitizer is signed.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  EasyScriptAPI
Assembly:  EasyScriptAPI (in EasyScriptAPI.dll) Version: (
public class EasyScript

The EasyScript type exposes the following members.

Public methodEasyScript
Initializes a new instance of the EasyScript class. Default constructor, uses the STN protocol.
Public methodEasyScript(ISignatureProtocol, ICardSwipeProtocol)
Initializes a new instance of the EasyScript class. Pass in the protocol of the device that you're using.
Public methodAddListener
This method accepts a new event listener which will be called when signature or card events are detected in the character stream passed in through ParseSignature().
Public methodGetCardProtocol
Gets the current card swipe protocol
Public methodGetSignatureProtocol
Gets the current signature protocol
Public methodStatic memberKeyboardEventToChar
This method will attempt to take a keyboard event from either KeyUp or KeyDown and attempt to turn it into its representation in the English - US keyboard layout. This should allow EasyScript devices to work in mixed keyboard environments.
Public methodParse
This method allows streaming of individual characters to produce streaming signatures using callbacks registered with addListener(). When events are detected in the signature stream events will be sent to the event listeners.
Public methodParseCardSwipe
This method attempts to parse a magnetic card swipe from a ScripTouch device with a magnetic strip reader.
Public methodParseSignature
This method takes a EasyScript string and attempts to parse it into a signature object.
Public methodRemoveListener
This method removes an event listener from the list of listeners interested in signature events.
Public methodRenderSignature
This method will take a signature and will attempt to render it onto an Image object.
Public fieldStatic memberLibraryBuildDate
This contains the date on which the library was built (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS).
Public fieldStatic memberLibraryVersion
This contains the current version of the library.
See Also