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STNSignatureProtocol Class

This class implements the STN Protocol for the Scriptel ScripTouch EasyScript product.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  EasyScriptAPI
Assembly:  EasyScriptAPI (in EasyScriptAPI.dll) Version: (
public class STNSignatureProtocol : ISignatureProtocol

The STNSignatureProtocol type exposes the following members.

Public methodSTNSignatureProtocol
Initializes a new instance of the STNSignatureProtocol class.
Public methodGetCancelStream
This method returns the character that denotes a stream has been cancelled.
Public methodGetEndStream
This method returns the character that denotes the end of a stream
Public methodGetHeight
This method returns the height of the device's display in pixels.
Public methodGetPenUp
This method returns the character that denotes a "pen up" event, or the start of a new stroke.
Public methodGetSentinel
This method returns the "sentinel" for the stream, the set of characters immediately following the start character.
Public methodGetStartStream
This method returns the character that denotes the start of a new signature.
Public methodGetWidth
This method returns the width of the device's display in pixels.
Public methodGetXValues
This method returns a two dimensional array containing the values for the high and low x bytes.
Public methodGetYValues
This method returns a two dimensional array containing the values for the high and low y bytes.
See Also