
Scriptel OmniScript API Documentation

The Scriptel OmniScript product is a small integrated web server installed on a personal computer or embedded device that exists to expose Scriptel ScripTouch signature digitizers to a computer network.

OmniScript primarily communicates with applications through the use of WebSockets. These are essentially network sockets that contain a special handshake at the beginning of the connection to ensure that the server is soliciting such connections.

OmniScript Data Flow Diagram

WebSockets have the advantage of allowing web applications to directly communicate with OmniScript without the need for an intermediate server. This means that an application can be pushed to a client and your application can take advantage of an OmniScript installation within their firewall without the need for any special network configuration. Data can then be pushed back to the server side of your application from the client.

All communications to and from applications are JSON encoded serialized objects. JSON is a syntactically lightweight data interchange format designed for simplicity and human readability. JSON has become an industry standard for interprocess communications and as such most languages have serializers and deserializers for JSON.

System Requirements

Supported Operating Systems

The following operating systems and architectures are currently supported. If the operating system and/or architecture you're looking for aren't in the list please inquire with Scriptel it may be possible to accommodate you.

  • Apple Mac OSX (10.8+) for Intel 64-bit processors.
  • Microsoft Windows (Vista, 7 and 8) for both 32 bit and 64 bit Intel processors.
  • Ubuntu Linux (12.04+) for 64-bit Intel processors. The packages should work for any Debian based Linux with a kernel >3.0.0.

Browser WebSocket Support

WebSockets are fairly new to browsers and as such aren't supported in older versions of popular web browsers. Generally speaking it should be possible to use OmniScript with the following browsers without modification:

  • Apple Safari (6+, for both Desktop and Mobile)
  • Google Chrome (16+, for both Desktop and Mobile)
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer (10+)
  • Mozilla Firefox (11+)
  • Opera (12.10+)

There are several polyfills that can be used with older browsers to add websocket support. These generally require the Adobe Flash plugin to work.

  • - Library for facilitating many different client-server two-way communication methods (including websockets). The API is slightly different than the browser-implemented API.
  • web-socket-js - Pure polyfill library, implements the browser-implemented API.